Workshop 2: Meeting Infrastructure and Facilitation


Quotes from past participants:

"Great content and facilitation. Thank you!"

"I'll be more aware of power differentials among group members.."

Zoom link and meeting information will be shared with registered participants

Learning Objectives:

The goal of this workshop is for participants to gain specific skills in order to facilitate and support macro groups, including:

  • Addressing pre-meeting considerations to promote diversity among group members,

  • Creating group infrastructures such as norms and decision-making strategies

  • Managing Ppower differentials throughout groups stages,

  • Maintaining engagement within stages of group development

  • Facilitating strategies and tips

  • Offering tansparent group communications

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Quotes from past participants:

"Great content and facilitation. Thank you!"

"I'll be more aware of power differentials among group members.."

Zoom link and meeting information will be shared with registered participants

Learning Objectives:

The goal of this workshop is for participants to gain specific skills in order to facilitate and support macro groups, including:

  • Addressing pre-meeting considerations to promote diversity among group members,

  • Creating group infrastructures such as norms and decision-making strategies

  • Managing Ppower differentials throughout groups stages,

  • Maintaining engagement within stages of group development

  • Facilitating strategies and tips

  • Offering tansparent group communications

Quotes from past participants:

"Great content and facilitation. Thank you!"

"I'll be more aware of power differentials among group members.."

Zoom link and meeting information will be shared with registered participants

Learning Objectives:

The goal of this workshop is for participants to gain specific skills in order to facilitate and support macro groups, including:

  • Addressing pre-meeting considerations to promote diversity among group members,

  • Creating group infrastructures such as norms and decision-making strategies

  • Managing Ppower differentials throughout groups stages,

  • Maintaining engagement within stages of group development

  • Facilitating strategies and tips

  • Offering tansparent group communications


Natalie started as a clinical social worker and moved into macro following the Columbine School shooting. Currently, Natalie works with local and National Foundations, coalitions and Associations to support community-led change. The experience Natalie brings to training sessions includes:

  • Operations Director, Spark Policy Institute, Denver, CO

  • Adjunct Professor, University of Denver, Graduate School of Social Work

  • Former Board President National Association of Social Workers, Colorado Chapter

  • Fourth Quadrant Partners, Emergent Learning Faculty and Contractor

  • The Center for Public-Private Sector Cooperation

  • Board Member: Colorado School Medicaid Consortium

  • Inaugural member of Civic Design Team: Family Leadership Institute of Colorado